You Have One Goal- To Testify

You Have One Goal- To Testify


Then I heard, ‘You have One Goal- To Testify’.

I thought to check out the internet What the Scriptures say about Testify and what other writers have to say about Testify.

Jesus said to his disciples: “When the Advocate comes whom I will send you from the Father, the Spirit of truth who proceeds from the Father, he will testify to me. And you also testify because you have been with me from the beginning.” John 15:26–27

Jesus informs His disciples that “the Spirit of truth” will come and that the Spirit, as well as the disciples, will “testify” to Him.

Testimony Is a Form of Worship and Reverence

Giving testimonies is a form of worship. By testifying to the Power, Love, Mercy, and Goodness of God The Father, God The Son, and God The Holy Ghost, we are in essence, expressing our humble Worship and deep Reverence of The Divine Holy Trinity-One God.

It is far too common for Christians to simply believe in Jesus, personally, but then fail to wholeheartedly give testimony to Him through the transforming power of the Holy Spirit; too common for followers of Christ to act more like the disciples before the coming of the Holy Spirit and too often, Christians keep the Gospel/Testimonies to themselves, fearful or shy or ashamed of giving testimonies by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Jesus Spoke About Being Ashamed of Testifying

In the Book of Luke, Our Lord Jesus spoke clearly to the issue of being ashamed of testifying: “For whoever is ashamed of me and of my words, of him will the Son of Man be ashamed when he comes in his glory and the glory of the Father and of the Holy angels” (Luke 9:26).

The aim of giving a personal testimony is to be a witness to the working of God’s grace in our own lives, so that the faith of our listeners may be built up.

 The disciple Peter was a good example of one who was ashamed or possibly afraid to associate with Jesus in Our Lord’s dire moments leading up to His crucifixion. Peter, after all, was so ashamed of Jesus or afraid of Jesus’s persecutors that he denied the Lord before others. But Jesus forgave Peter when he repented (Luke 22:31–32).  Let us therefore repent of where we have been ashamed of Christ so that we may be forgiven and persevere in faith until the very end.

What is the importance of testifying in the Bible?

Our lives become not our own, and we can live according to God’s plan. We need to realize the value of our testimony. Not only do our testimonies represent us coming to Christ, but they can also continue to bring others to Him when we share them. By the revelation I received from The Holy Spirit of The Living God, The Holy Spirit is calling to the attention of Christians and all who believe in God, the requirement to testify to Christ to encourage other people to believe and trust in the Power, Love Mercy, and Goodness of God by sharing their testimonies.


 A short Prayer

Most glorious Jesus, You promised to send upon Your disciples and also upon me the Holy Spirit, the Advocate and Spirit of Truth. Holy Spirit, I welcome You into my life and offer myself to You without reserve to be used to give testimony to the Truth. Please do use me, my God, and touch many lives through me. Jesus, I trust in You.

Glory Be To God The Father, God The Son, and God The Holy Ghost.

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