We Thank You

We Thank You


As I praised and worshipped God this morning, calling some of God’s Names I heard ‘We Thank You; We Thank You; We Thank You’

Below are some of God’s Names I called as I worshipped and Praised God- Also, find the meanings of the Names:

 Yahweh – “He Brings Into Existence Whatever Exists” (Yahweh-Asher-Yahweh).

Adonai – Adonai is a divine name, translated as “Lord,” and signifying, “Sovereignty.” 

El Elyon – ‘God Most High’ 

El Shaddai -“The Almighty God”, “my God”, or “Lord”; “The God of Heaven”.

Jehovah Jireh – “The LORD My Provider” –

El Roi – “The God who sees me, “All-seeing God,” “God who appears,” or “God of sight.”

Jehovah Rapha – “God who heals.”  ” God who  restores” 

Jehovah El Nissi – “The Lord My Refuge”, “Jehovah Is My Exaltation”

Jehovah El Shalom – “Peace of God “, universal flourishing, wholeness, and delight – a rich state of affairs

What is the difference between Worship and Praise prayer?

It is important to establish the difference between Praise and Worship to make it easy for all readers to understand my write-up from the same perspective.

This is the bottom line about Praise & Worship: the sacrifice of Praise is the “fruit of the lips”, but Worship is the “fruit of the heart!” Worship is about love and appreciation. Praise is about outward communication from actions. We can have a proud heart and still pronounce the Goodness of God.

Therefore, the core of my write-up is to find out how God responds to Praise and Worship emanating from Mankind. Is God pleased with Mankind when we Praise and Worship Him? How does God respond to Praise and Worship?

In my research on Google, I learned the following:

What happens to God when we Praise Him?

Praise brings God into the scene. Praise opens the gates of Heaven and the doors of blessings. Praise dissipates worry and dilutes concern and fear. Praise tarnishes sadness and magnifies Goodness.

What pleases God in Worship?

God is pleased when our Worship flows from being saved; pleased when our Worship is scriptural; pleased when our Worship is spiritual; and pleased when our worship is sacrificial and coming from the deepest part of our Hearts.

Does God appreciate Our Praise and Worship of Him?

Yes, God does—God, The Father, God The Son, God The Holy Ghost- Divine Holy Trinity-One God. Praise and Worship are a powerful part of our walk with God and are appropriate for every day and every hour (I Chronicles 23:30; Psalm 92:2; Psalm 59:16). God commands it, but just like all the other things He tells us to do, it is followed by blessings.

In the book of Psalms. 92:2, the Psalmist says, ‘How good it is to give thanks to you, O LORD, and to sing the praises of your name, the Most High God, 3 to praise your grace early in the morning and to praise your faithfulness at night, 4 dance to the music of the ten-stringed harp and nice playing on the lute!

Why does God love Praise and Worship?

The purpose of Praise and Worship—as it relates to singing, dancing, and praying—is to create an intimate space between you and the Lord, allowing Him to speak directly to your heart in such a way you are drawn nearer to Him. As a result, He is Glorified, and you go deeper into your identity in Him.

Express Deep Appreciation to God

Showing deep appreciation of God is not only required but also obligatory. He created ALL and He loved Man so much that He created Man in His image and likeness and gave Man dominion over all other creation including angels (The reason for Satan’s rebellion against God). As humans, we have a good feeling when others appreciate us for the little things we do to make them happy. Knowing and experiencing the Greatness of God, His Magnificence, His Power, and Splendor in All of His Creation, including nature, obliges Man to Praise and Worship God as it is fit to do.


Hearing ‘Thank You’ from The Divine Holy Trinity- ONE GOD, humbled me beyond anyone’s imagination. How is it that My Creator and The Creator of ALL things visible and invisible thank me? God the Father, God The Son, and God The Holy Spirit in God’s Loving-kindness and Encouraging nature towards His children, tell me ‘Thank you’ for what I am obligated to do as a creature created by Him in His image and likeness was overwhelming.

God always encourages us sinners to pursue Salvation and win the Race of Salvation. The Apostle Paul in the Book of Philippians 3: 14, says,  ‘I press on to reach the end of the race and receive the Heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us’.

My prayer as I conclude my write-up is that each one of us ends the race successfully and receives the Heavenly prize. Do you want to receive the Prize? For me, I want the prize without a doubt in my mind. Please God help me.

Praise God Almighty, Praise Our Lord Jesus Christ, Praise The Holy Ghost

Merry Christmas to All and wishing you All a Prosperous New Year 2024.

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