Soul Cleansing Prayer

Soul Cleansing Prayer


Then I heard plead for your Soul.

So, I decided to research Google on ways to pray for one’s Soul.

In my search, I gathered some knowledge of the meaning of the Human Soul. Briefly explained,  one of my findings described the Soul as the realm of decision. In the soul lives your mind, will, emotions, and personality. Your mind—what you imagine. Your will—what you want. Your emotions—what you feel. The soul is the neutral ground between the body and the spirit. It is the place where free will is exercised. 

The author went on to say and I quote ‘I am a spirit, who has a soul, that lives in a body. You are a spirit with a soul that lives in a body.

The soul is eternal, and everyone has a soul—redeemed and unredeemed alike. The wicked have souls.

Following my research, I came up with a short prayer that you may find useful. But more importantly, I came across the challenges Souls face on their journeys on Earth. Of utmost importance is the Soul’s encounter with Good and Evil.

In this write-up. I ‘d like to draw attention to Satan’s Evil Kingdom hierarchy of demons and evil spirits through which the wicked one, torments God’s children. Gratefully, I also found the Holy Saints of God that oppose these demons. We are encouraged to solicit the help of the Holy Saints of God in the act of spiritual warfare.

Below is satan’s echelon of demons and their areas of focus and specialty in their war against God’s children: these demons constantly, trouble human Souls and encourage humans to shun God’s kingdom of Light and Love for the kingdom of darkness, wickedness, and pain.

According to the Bible, when Souls are not redeemed from darkness, they end up in eternal damnation after death and the final judgment of God. Therefore, to avoid eternal damnation in Hellfire, we must constantly pray for our souls to be redeemed from the stronghold of the evil one and be aligned to God’s Kingdom of Holiness and Righteousness through Our Lord Jesus Christ, The Author and The Finisher of Our Faith.

Therefore, when we pray against a particular demon, we should solicit the support of the Holy Saint who is known by the Catholic Church as opposing that demon.

We pray for God’s Mercy as we continue our life’s journey on Earth.

Below is a short prayer that you might find useful to utilize as a prayer for your Soul.

Dear Lord Jesus. I plead for My Soul.

In The Mighty Name of Jesus, I break every physical or Spiritual Tie, Link, Connection, Covenants, Agreements, Contracts, and association of my Soul with the dark kingdom of satan via; the beast from the water, the beast from the land, the dragon, the antichrist, the false prophet, the whore of Babylon and satan’s echelon of demons namely:

1st Hierarchy

  1. Beelzebub
  2. Leviathan
  3. Asmodeus
  4. Berith
  5.  Astaroth
  6.  Verrine
  7.  Gressil
  8.  Soneillon

2nd Hierarchy

  •  Carreau
  • Carnivale
  • Quillet
  • Rosier
  • Belias

3rd Hierarchy

  1. Verrier
  2. Olivier
  3. Luvart

And all other demons of the lower hierarchy of satan’s dark kingdom not mentioned on the list above and all his evil spirits.

See Below a list of Satan’s Hierarchy of demons

See the List of satan’s hierarchy of demons and The Holy Saints that oppose these demons.

  SATAN’S ECHELON OF DEMONS   1st Hierarchy 1. Beelzebub 2. Leviathan  3. Asmodeus 4. Berith 5.  Astaroth 6.  Verrine 7.  Gressil 8.  Soneillon   2nd Hierarchy 9.   Carreau 10.  Carnivale 11.  Quillet 12.  Rosier 13.  Belias   3rd Hierarchy 14.  Verrier 15.  Olivier 16.  Luvart   All other demons of the lower hierarchy of satan’s kingdom not mentioned here and All his evil spirits, Amen.1. Tempts men with pride and is opposed by St Francis
2. Tempts people to give into heresy and is opposed by St Peter
3. Burning with desire to tempt men to wantonness. He is opposed by St. John The Baptist
4. Tempts men to commit homicide and to be quarrelsome, contentious, and blasphemous. He is opposed by St Barnabas
5. Tempts men to be lazy and is opposed by St Bartholomew
6. Tempts men with impatience and is opposed by St Dominic
7. Tempts men with impurity and is opposed by St Bernard
8. Tempts men with hate and is opposed by St Stephen
9. Tempts men with a hardness of heart and is opposed by St Vincent
10. Tempts men to obscenity and shamelessness and is opposed by St Martin
11. Tempts men to break the vow of poverty and is opposed by St Martin
12. Tempts men against sexual purity and is opposed by St Basil
13. Tempts men with arrogance and women to be vain, raise wanton children, and gossip during mass. He is opposed by St Francis de Paul
14. Tempts men against the vow of obedience and is opposed by St Bernard
15. Tempts men with cruelty and mercilessness toward the poor and is opposed by St Lawrence
16. Possesses young novice Nuns  

Praise God The Father Almighty, Praise God, The Lord Jesus Christ. Praise God, The Holy Spirit, Amen.

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