Overcome the Devil by Remaining in Jesus Christ

Overcome the Devil by Remaining in Jesus Christ


Part 1

Then I heard ‘The Fight with the devil will never stop but you will overcome him if you remain in me’.

I realized that some people are simply in denial of the existence of the devil-an evil, cunning spirit being; others are simply too scared to mention the devil.  I know of a lady who whenever she hears the mention of the devil, practically freezes.

She told me she was too scared of the devil to even mention his name. But for the fact that my Bible, which is the word of God spends a great deal of time drawing believers’ attention to the existence of the enemy of GOD and by default the enemy of Man, we must not underestimate him and his goal concerning Man. I believe that anyone who disregards the devil’s existence does so at his or her peril.

Who is the devil?

My google search on the definition of the devil threw out various definitions. One definition says ‘(in Christian and Jewish belief) the devil is the supreme spirit of evil; Satan.” belief in the Devil”

Another definition says, ‘In modern biblical translations, the Devil is the adversary of God and God’s people. It’s commonly thought that the Devil first showed up in the Bible in the book of Genesis as the serpent who convinced Eve—who then convinced Adam—to eat the forbidden fruit from the “Tree of Knowledge” in the Garden of Eden. Satan describes his function as an “accuser,”

My search also revealed that Satan hunts among the hurting. Like a mountain lion, Satan detects vulnerabilities in its prey and attacks the weakest — the young, the sick, the traumatized, and the injured, etc.

Satan Prowls

Satan prowls like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour (1 Peter 5:8). And because he’s clever, he spends a lot of his time among the suffering. He lies in wait with lies, wanting to consume the fragile and vulnerable. Another title Satan carries according to the Bible is that Satan is the Father of Lies.

He is the enemy of the hope and happiness of the children of God. And I learned in more recent years in the film industry that the devil wears PRADA. (Smile).

The Devil’s ultimate Mission

The Bible says that the devil is a devious wicked spiritual being whose sole goal is to roam to and from the earth with a sole mission to steal from, kill and destroy the children of God.

To elaborate on my revelation, I asked myself a few questions. I believe that in my attempt to answer as best as I can in a simplistic manner the questions, I would have garnered some insight into the revelation I received from the Spirit of God.

  1. Why Is Satan in perpetual spiritual warfare with the children of God?

Satan used to be an angel named Lucifer but rebelled against God and was cast out of heaven, along with other angels who followed him. Jesus described the event in Luke 10:18, “I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven.” Since then, Satan and his followers have been on a mission to destroy God’s greatest creation—humanity.

Jesus said Satan comes only to “steal, kill and destroy.” He’s even known as “the accuser.” Satan is simply evil. The havoc he wreaks on the world is serious.

There is No Hope for Satan

But no matter how much evil and chaos Satan causes, there’s no hope for him. As this spiritual war wages, we already know the outcome. The Bible says Satan is destined for hell, and he wants to draw people as far from God as possible so they can follow him to Hell Fire. The Bible calls satan a defeated foe of God and the people of God.

Jesus called hell a place of “outer darkness: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth” (Matthew 25:30). In one of His parables, Jesus told of a man who was in hell, begging for someone to come and “cool my tongue, because I am in agony in this fire” (Luke 16:24).

Hell is real and it’s not a place anyone would want to go.

Overcome Satan

To overcome the devil, First, believe in the Name of Jesus as the Authority above all Spiritual authority in heaven and on the earth, and you have the right to use the name to overcome the devil.

The key that opens the door to satan’s prison is in the Name of Jesus. Not just believe in the Name but trust in the Name of Jesus Christ Our Lord and Our Savior. In righteousness, we must always remain in Jesus Christ Our Lord as Jesus Christ always remains in us.

The Abiding Relationship

According to J.C Ryle, to remain in Christ, which also means to abide in Christ, means to keep up a habit of constant close communion with Our Lord Jesus Christ–to be always leaning on Him, resting on Him, pouring out our hearts to Him, and using Him as our Fountain of life and strength, as our chief Companion and best Friend’

John 15:5 further illustrates this abiding relationship with a parallel relationship of a vine and a branch. We (the branches) are to be connected to him (the Vine) for our life and sustenance. Only in him can we bear fruit. And more importantly, only in Christ can we overcome satan. Glory and Honor Be to God Almighty, Glory and Honor Be to Our Lord Jesus Christ, and Glory and Honor be To The Holy Spirit of the Living God.

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