My First Day starting my Banking Career

My First Day starting my Banking Career


It was the 1st of April 1986. My first day as a banker in a global bank in Nigeria as a Customer Service Assistant. I was 24 years old with three Sons. I envisioned the top of the pinnacle in the industry even from day one. 36 years after, I made it as a Managing Director multiple times in different countries in Africa.

The Boys are now Men.

As I sailed out that morning, it appeared there were dark grey clouds ahead. However, I saw the beautiful light ahead breaking the dark clouds. So, I set a clear vision for myself for the next 5-10 years from Day 1

My first day was exciting. My first real job post-university, with three little boys, two in the nursery school ages 4 and 2, and the baby was 8 months old who was cared for at home by a help.

I had looked forward to this first day at work because it was already 3 years since I had graduated from university without working.  I did the mandatory 1-year National Service program set up by the Nigerian Government to involve Nigerian graduates in nation-building and the development of the country. The Youth Corpers as they were called received stipends from the Government and an allowance from the place of primary assignment that the Youth Corper served.

So, here I was with a real job.  My first real salary was an equivalent of $250 monthly. This was a lot of money for a job starter in the country. The banking industry has always been one of the best paying industries and even till today, this remains the same.

 I was excited and I was ready to give my All to the organization so I could earn a decent salary. With a decent salary, I could support and enhance what my husband was bringing home as a salary then. With double income earning parents, our family of three children could have a better standard of living and we lived very well with both salaries. I recall I would give my husband my entire salary so he could plan the budget for the home, and this worked perfectly.

I was introduced to other colleagues that first morning. My colleagues told me outrightly, ‘wow you are warm and friendly’, and I would smile more. That is just me, be happy and make others happy with your smiles.

I was set to take on the banking world. I thought to myself, what a great opportunity! I recall saying to myself, I like the feel here, I must succeed, so please God help me to succeed in my career in banking.

Then I put in the work required, I mean hard work, and then I asked God to bless the works of my hands.

To the Glory of God, the Good Lord answered my prayers and I made it to the pinnacle- becoming a Managing Director of commercial banks multiple times in different countries over the next 36 years.

What a privilege. I am overwhelmed with gratitude to God Almighty first and foremost and then to my colleagues, my bosses, other market players, and most importantly my clients who made me succeed in my banking career.

All I can say is GRATITUDE to them ALL.

If I made it, you can make it too!

Glory Be to God and Thanks To His Holy Name.