It Just Happens

It Just Happens


I found over the years that what I desired happened about 90% of the time. The question I ask after these 50 years of my consciousness as an individual is who and what make my desires happen? It always just happens.

At the back of my mind. I saw Beautiful Blue Skies always and the future bright and the next phase was always NOW.

I live in the present and let tomorrow worry about itself, so says my bible and I believe the word of God.

Happenings happen twice for me. First, I envision the happening, and I have a conversation with God Almighty and God brings it to pass in his right timing in my physical reality.

The God that we serve is the Omnipotent, Omniscient, and the Omnipresent God, Know you then that you win the battle before the battle begins. This is the confidence we have in Jehovah God Almighty!

Just like David in the Holy Bible, Goliath the giant was not a match for little David only because David’s battle was for the Lord. With just a stone and a sling, Goliath came tumbling down like Humpty-Dumpty who came crashing down. Goliath could never be put back together again because of the Mighty God who fights our battles.

Therefore fear not the Lions and the Giants on your path for our God through Jesus our Savior fights our battles and God has a track record of winning our battles.

So, dream it first with God at the core of your dreams. If the dreams are pure, with no intention to hurt others, I am convinced that the happening happens in the physical in God’s time.

I give God All The Glory!

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The image above makes me chuckle with laughter. For me, the question rather is what God does the monkey serve and what did God tell the monkey.

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