


36 years of history in the Corporate World of Banking in Africa and Europe. It is time to tell my story. The challenges and Miracles of a woman blessed by God in both her personal life and the corporate life.  Mother of 4 adults and Grandma to two lovely kids!

As I embarked on my professional expedition as a pioneer in the company in 1989, I asked the Lord as the Prophet Moses did in the bible In the Book of Exodus chapter 34: 9, ‘O Lord, if I have found favor in your eyes, then let the Lord go with us’. And God in his infinite mercy went with me.

These 36 years saw me go through the throes of life’s vicissitudes.

So many times, from my window, I would call on God, call on the Legion of Angels of God and call on the Watch Men of God for HELP with tears in my eyes. And each time they helped me….they were always compassionate to give help. I overcame every challenge every time.

My job took me to many African countries. Over a 19-yr period, I moved 17 times from one country to another. I was part of those building a Pan African dream of integration through a banking vehicle. The vision was a strong and beautiful one and I believed in it so I gave it my ALL.

The Pan-African Dream

The founders of the great pan-African vision thought it was a novel idea to build the pan-African Dream as a vehicle to integrate Africa by supporting individuals and entrepreneurs seeking to explore business opportunities in the African continent.

A rare financial institution-none of its kind before it was established. The African Dream went from an idea in the hearts of visionary African men and women to reality. The vision has turned out to become one of Africa’s most revered success stories.


I am overwhelmed with gratitude to God that he allowed me to become one of the pioneers of the first subsidiary of this visionary company when it set up a subsidiary in my country of origin. I joined the subsidiary in my country in 1989. And from that point, the expedition that took me across so many countries in Africa started.

In my experience in over 20 countries in Africa, the Lord went with me only because of His favor, mercy and compassion. I overcame ALL the challenges I encountered on my path along my journey. There were tough times and surely, there were great times. God always shows up when you call on him. God is merciful and faithful all the time. Because of his mercy, we become overcomers.

God makes us overcomers in time.

We must therefore give God thanks all the time. In the Holy Bible, the Psalmist says in Psalm 107:1

‘‘Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good, for his steadfast love endures forever’

We need to be patient as individuals so we can learn from experiences though seemingly frightening at the time the experience is happening.

Today looking back these 36 years, I made it as a top Banker- A Managing Director in Banks in Africa and an Executive Director in one of the World’s most reputable and profitable Banks in Europe.

I call this ‘Grass to Grace’. God was always with me and continues to be with me.

God is gracious all the time.

God exists and he is a living God. Just call on HIM. HE answers if only you believe in Him and trust Him.

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