God’s Will

God’s Will


Then I heard, ‘I accept God’s Will in my life, God’s Will for my life, and God’s Will through my life’.

As I write the title of my post, a song comes into my Spirit ‘Trust and Obey’. The lyrics of the Catholic song go further to say, ‘There is no other way, to be happy in Jesus but to Trust and Obey.’.

For me, accepting God’s Will in me, God’s will for me, or God’s will through me, all have a common denominator which is ‘Trusting and Obeying’ God. No matter how we slice and dice the situation, circumstance, or event, when we are admonished to accept God’s Will, then we must trust God and Obey Him and fully align to His Will for us, in us, and through us for true joy and happiness on earth.

What is the meaning of God’s will?

It is God’s sovereign control of all things. We will call this his “sovereign will” or His “will of decree.” It cannot be broken. It always comes to pass.

What does it mean to accept God’s WILL in my life?

It’s trusting that anything God allows to happen in our lives, whether good or bad, has a purpose. Submitting to God’s will is forsaking our desires and suppressing our own will to accomplish His will for us.

The Psalmist says ‘I delight to do your will, O my God; your law is within my heart’ — Psalm 40:8 ESV.

How do I accept God’s will for my life?


Ultimately, we come to a place of accepting God’s will for us by knowing Him –knowing Him – through His Word and prayer. God changes us as we let go of our will and recognize that the creation does not know more than the Creator.

We might not appreciate the hard times we experience in life and wish they had never come, but, ironically, it is when life seems hard that we often come to know God best.

How to Surrender and Submit to God’s Will

Saying, “Father, if you are willing, remove this cup from me. Nevertheless, not my will, but yours, be done” — Luke 22:42 ESV

When Jesus asked “Father, if you are willing” before requesting that the cup be removed shows that although He dreaded the immense physical torture, He would endure on the cross and the brief detachment from his Heavenly Father, he acknowledged that His Father is the ultimate authority and therefore has the final say. When Jesus prayed, “not my will, but yours, be done, although he preferred to avoid suffering and death, He was willing to face death if it was God’s will for him to do so.

The Bible tells us that ‘Many are the plans in the mind of a man, but it is the purpose of the Lord that will stand’. — Proverbs 19:21 ESV

Jesus Our Redeemer; Our Model.

We can learn from Jesus’ example that surrendering is acknowledging that God is on the throne, He is in control, and therefore His plan supersedes ours. It’s accepting that God created us for his purpose and that we must trust His plan even if we don’t desire or understand it. It’s trusting that anything God allows to happen in our lives, whether good or bad, has a purpose. Submitting to God’s will is forsaking our desires and suppressing our own will to accomplish His will for us.

I delight to do your will, O my God; your law is within my heart — Psalm 40:8 ESV

Your Kingdom Come, Your Will be Done

Jesus tells us to pray, “Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven(Matthew 6:10) as a reminder that our primary goal of prayer is to align our will with the will of God. Our heart’s desires must line up with God’s Word and His will; when we delight ourselves in the Lord, He will give us the desires of our heart (Psalm 37:4). The more time we spend with God, seeking Him and obeying His Word, the more confident, we will be that what we desire matches His will.

Obeying God’s Will -A Tough Call

Obeying God’s will can be a tough call. The story of Abraham and Isaac readily comes to mind. Jehovah God asked Abraham to sacrifice his only son Isaac; a son of his old age with an aged wife Sarah, Abraham a 100 years old and Sarah 90 years old at the birth of Isaac. By asking Abraham to sacrifice Isaac, God was testing Abraham to see if Abraham trusted Him. And Abraham did: Abraham’s faith in God was so great that he was willing to give Him his only son, trusting that God could bring him back from the dead.

Abraham Obeyed God

Abraham obeyed God to surrender Isaac. But when we read the story in the book of Genesis, 22, NIV., we see that in Isaac, God fulfilled His Promise to Abraham. God was testing Abraham’s Trust and Obedience to God His Creator and His Provider of All things including Isaac the Son.  Obeying God is not always easy; there will be times when God will allow us to experience trials and suffering.

Abraham’s Seed

God promised Abraham that his SEED or descendant after him would bless all nations (Gen 22:18). First, it was through Isaac that the promise to Abraham that the Lord would “make thy seed as the dust of the earth” (Gen. 13:15), or as numerous as the stars (Gen. 15:5; 22:17), or “as the sand which is upon the sea shore” (Gen. 22:17) would be fulfilled.

Learn To Accept God’s Plan

Therefore, we must learn to accept God’s plan even when it hurts. We must trust that God has a purpose for our suffering, that he is using our suffering for His glory, and also for testing and developing our faith. And we must trust that God’s plan in us, for us, and through us, has a common good for Humanity which we, as individuals, cannot comprehend at the moment. Consequently, we must find hope amid suffering and pray for strength and perseverance during difficult times.

Praise God Almighty, Praise Our Lord Jesus Christ, Praise The Holy Ghost.



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