God Cares About the Inside

God Cares About the Inside


I heard the voice say, ‘God cares about the inside’.

Whenever the Holy Spirit gives me a word, I like to refer to google search to find out some other perspectives which resonate with my understanding of the message.

The context of this message was triggered by my thoughts on how dedicated people can be in doing church/religious activities. For example, visiting the sick in the hospitals, visiting prisoners in prison cells, and participating actively in church activities. These are things I have just never gotten involved with in church. I was a Christian who just sneaked into a church when I attended church service and sneaked out.  I wondered in my head from time to time, when was I going to make these external ‘Godly’ activities my focus? Because I thought these activities are important and rightly so. And it was at this point of my self-reflection that I heard the voice say, ‘God cares about the inside’.

I thought to get some views on this matter on the internet. So, I searched this topic on google. Below are a few findings which I want to share with you:

Man Sees the Outside But God Sees The Inside

In the scriptures,  1 Samuel 16:7, and I quote ‘But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not look on his appearance or on the height of his stature, because I have rejected him. For the Lord sees not as man sees; man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart.”

From the above reference, it was clear that even the Prophet Samuel had been inclined to continue with the kingship of Saul. God on the other hand was done with the kingship of Saul. King Saul had disobeyed God’s instructions. King Saul spared the life of the Amalek King, Agag and he did not kill the best sheep and cattle, the best calves and lambs as instructed by God, rather King Saul destroyed only what was useless and worthless. This displeased the Lord.

Even though, King Saul claimed that he had kept the choicest animals to make a sacrifice to God. But for God, obedience is better than sacrifice. Disobedience of God’s Will and Commands is a sin before God. King Saul lost his kingship due to his sin of disobedience.

King Saul’s disqualification did not mean he was rejected forever

It is important to note here that the NIV study bible explained that King Saul’s ‘disqualification from being King and the consequent rejection of his dynasty did not mean that God had forever rejected King Saul personally’.

We know God is merciful, compassionate, and always willing and ready to forgive us when we repent. The study bible therefore explains that ‘although Saul’s position as King would never again be restored, he could still be forgiven and enjoy a saving relationship with God by sincerely repenting and serving the Lord’.  

The Final Judge

God is the final judge of all of Man’s actions and deeds.  God searched the heart of King Saul and made a judgment call on the King because God knows the innermost parts of Man’s hearts, including the intentions of a man behind an act or a decision.

A man’s external posture does not necessarily reflect the posture of the man’s heart. And we forget that God searches the heart of Man and knows everything including Man’s intentions.

God Searches the Heart of Man

In the scriptures:1 Chronicles 28:9, the Chronicler says:

“And you, Solomon my son, know the God of your father and serve him with a whole heart and with a willing mind, for the Lord searches all hearts and understands every plan and thought. If you seek him, he will be found by you, but if you forsake him, he will cast you off forever’.

The above understanding is also expressed in the book of Jeremiah 17:10 :

“I the Lord search the heart and test the mind, to give every man according to his ways, according to the fruit of his deeds.”


I conclude therefore that in as much as the external activities done by Man for God’s purposes are important and still relevant, God pays more attention to the posture of a Man’s heart.

It is important to note here that in addition to the fact that Godly external activities remain important and relevant for God, there is no need for self-condemnation like I was beginning to do to myself.  The judgment call is made by God alone who is the ultimate Judge of all Man’s deeds and actions. As the Apostle pointed out in the book of Romans, 8:1, says ‘There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.

So, know Ye now All Men, that no one in Jesus Christ, should condemn themselves. Our Lord Jesus Christ already paid the ultimate price by His Redemptive Blood which He shed on the Cross.

Let’s Give God Praise! Let’s Worship Him! Let’s Adore Him! Let’s Magnify Him!

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