I heard the voice of the spirit of God say, ‘Welcome To The Chapel Club’. But I had no clue what this meant. What I knew was that in the past six months preceding this message I would listen endlessly to Praise Worship Ministers like Pastor Nathaniel Bassey, Pastor Dunsi Oyekan, Pastor Moses Bliss, Minister GUC, and the Maverick City Music-Elevation.
I began to learn to Worship God and Praise Him every waking moment of my life. Then I got another message from the spirit of God and he said, get a notebook and write All The Names of God. I obeyed the voice of God and I bought a notebook and began to write down All The Names. I started to record the names as I come across them when I read my bible; or when I listen to Men and Women of God preach the word of God. I also note the names the Praise worship Ministers call God, call Our Lord Jesus, and call the Holy Spirit of God.
In addition, I get names directly from the spirit of God like ‘The Committed God and The Living God; The king; ‘The Potter’. These were some of the names I heard in direct messages I received from God. As at the point of my writing, I have documented eighty names and I call these names as I worship God.
Praise and Worship Begins
So, I began to love to worship and just call on the names of ‘Our God, Our Redeemer, Our Savior’. And I found I could just be in worship for the next 2 hours non-stop. And I find that as I worship, I have streams of tears running down my cheeks. I remember the millions of miracles that our merciful God has done in my life! Just can’t stop crying.
In all my turning around in circles rather than focusing on Our Lord Jesus and The Kingdom and Its Righteousness, I followed my reasoning all the time. But guess what? Anytime I turned back to look at the face of God (not true…no human can see the face of God and live!) and peep into his Holy Presence I noted with reverence His continuous, infinite mercy, My Lord Jesus is always still there. What a God of Mercy Our God is, Our Lord Jesus Christ!
What Do Praise and Worship Mean?
In the Bible, praise is usually presented as highly spirited, joyful, and uninhibited engagement with God. God asks all creation to praise him. Worship on the other hand goes deeper than Praise. It is something that comes from the spirit…Worship comes from the core of who the worshipper is and what God means to them’. Praise brings God into the scene and opens the gates of heaven and the doors of blessings. I have experienced the Power of Praise and Worship!
I find that Praise and Worship dissipate worry and dilutes the concern and fear that I have. Praise tarnishes sadness and magnifies goodness and gratitude in me. My spirit is uplifted whenever I go into the presence of God with Praise and Worship. In Psalm 100:4-5, King David says ‘…come into his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name. For the Lord is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations’.
When we Worship, it means that God is getting the things he most deserves; worship means to lift our hands, pray and be glad as sons and daughters of the Most High God; The Omnipotent, The Omniscient, and The Omnipresent God. This is who God Is. He is All-Powerful, All-Knowing, and Ever-Present. Our God Is Awesome!
Every time I encountered challenges on my journey, and I encounter challenges often; I go into praise and worship of God in these times of trouble. And each time, I gain new hope as I remember that God is in control and God is working for my good.
When we are prisoners of hope, victory is certain with God on our side; then we dare to go on. Praise and worship give us hope and victory in our battles. Therefore, Praise and worship are weapons of spiritual warfare I have found. Praising and Worshiping the Lord pulls down walls of resistance that allow us to enter the promises of God in our lives. (Joshua 6: 1-20): I have seen walls of Jericho tumble down through the weapon of worship!
As I began to engage God more through my Praise and Worship, the Spirit of the Living God gave me a revelation. He said, ‘Welcome To The Chapel Club’.
What Is The Chapel Club?
When I got this message, I wondered what is the meaning of this? What is the ‘Chapel Club’ I asked myself? So, like we all do these days, I turned to our famous friend ‘Google’ to find an answer.
‘A chapel is a Christian Place Of Prayer and Worship that is usually relatively small’. The Term has several meanings. Firstly, smaller spaces inside a church that has their altar are often called chapels’. So the spirit of God was saying to me, now you understand what I want from you. Worship me in quiet. It is Just Me and You. God is equally happy when we worship him in quiet.
The long and short of my post is that God wants us to spend time praising and worshiping him. Worshiping is the act of attributing reverent honor and homage to God. We can find ‘zillions of YouTube videos on Praise and Worship on the Internet.
This is the best experience that I have today in my life. I pray this Praise and Worship experience stays with me till the end of time. May I never leave the presence of Our Lord Jesus who paid the ultimate price for us All so we could be saved.
Do not underestimate the Power of Praise and Worship!
May Our Lord Jesus be glorified, magnified, and exalted forever. Amen. Hallelujah!
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