
My youngest son (the 3rd child) was 7weeks old and I was still recovering from the childbirth experience and still fussing over the newborn. My mother was with me to provide help in the typical African way. There is always family support at times like these.

Mothers are always present to support the new mother, it does not matter how many times the new mother is doing the birth-giving experience. In this case, the third time giving birth to a child, my mother was graciously present to assist me and my family again. (God bless her Soul). When the baby turned 3 months old, my mother returned home. We missed her but my father missed her presence more at home, so she had to return to her husband (God bless his Soul too!).

So, this lovely morning, my doorbell rings. I opened the door and lo and behold is a family friend. The friend came to visit my newborn baby I thought. 7.30 am, is rather early though for a visit I wondered in my mind.

I offered the friend (I call Pat) a cup of tea which she refused and responded that she was in a hurry. Pat went on to say that she had come to offer me a job opportunity as a teacher in a state secondary school. She said to be prepared, she would be back to pick me up at 7 am the next day to attend the interview for the teaching job. She went on to say that there are at least 500 candidates to participate in the interview- highly competitive she said, and she completed her statement by saying to me,  ‘you know my dear friend, there are not enough jobs available these days in the country for college graduates.

 Pat, a teacher herself, had organized with the panel of interviewers to ensure that I was successful (typical in Africa-connections matter). In other words, your connections matter and not the merit of the case all the time. Pat brought me to the venue of the interview like she had promised and introduced me to the panelists who are also her colleagues.  

In all this kind gesture of Pat, for some reason, I did not feel comfortable with this whole process. I was been taken on a Path I had not requested nor was it discussed with me. I just saw myself on a journey I did not agree with even though I kept mute and just told Pat, thank you.

As Pat went out the door, I turned to my mother, and I said, Mama, I do not want to teach in a state school.  As a result, I said to my mother I won’t bother to go for the interview. My mother looked at me and responded, but you know that Pat is only being helpful to you. Out of love, she has come all the way to make you this offer this morning and more importantly, she will be here tomorrow at 7 am to take you in her car to the interview.

My mother said, out of consideration for Pat’s kindness, I think you should attend the interview. So, as agreed at 7 am the next day, I was all ready and, on my way to my first work interview after my college degree.

As I rode with Pat in the car-a 15minute-ride to the interview venue, I kept on repeating in my head but I do not want this job….no…no…no. I just don’t feel it.

We arrived at the interview venue, Pat introduced me to the panelists, and she was gone.

I looked at the panelists and I approached one of them. I said to the panelist, I have just been informed that I require two passport photographs as part of the interview documentation and I am afraid I do not have any passport photographs. The panelist responded that this is not a problem and pointed towards the entrance of the venue where I would find photographers with their cameras doing brisk business by making passport photos available in 10mins.

So off I went but not for the passport photographs, rather, I found my escape route. I went past the entrance gate, hailed a taxi, and headed back home, saying in my head as I rode home in the taxi, this job is not for me. I have nothing against teaching (as a matter of fact, I love to teach-I became a key resource in training in the banking industry in later years).

But deep in my gut, I was convinced this is not the place for my career. I knew it, I felt it, I smelt it and everything in me said NO. This was not God’s plan for me or else I would not have felt this level of discomfort taking this job.

 When your decision is in line with God’s plan for your life, it comes with peace so says the word of God.

I was back home at 9 am from the interview venue and I pressed the bell. My mother came to the door, she was surprised to find me back home already. She said ‘Oh the interview went quite quickly. Your baby is still sleeping. I trust you rushed back because of your baby’. And I responded, ‘No Mama’. I then went on to tell her what had transpired at the interview venue and how I escaped participating in the interview. I told my mother I was convinced from deep inside my body, soul, and spirit that this job was not for me.

My mother responded, Ok. Since you are convinced, then stick to your conviction but please go to Pat’s house to apologize to her for not participating in the interview. Pat is usually back at home at 3 pm. So, at 3 pm, I was off to Pat’s house, pressed the bell, and by 3.30 pm the conversation was over. I thanked her profusely for her kindness and apologized for not accepting her offer of kindness. I told her that I did not feel this job was my calling from God.

Pat was not happy with my decision and actions. According to her, I had embarrassed her before her colleagues-the panelists of interviewers. The rest is history.

I went on to become a successful banker of both regional and global repute. Narrowly missing my God-ordained path.

One lesson I took out of this experience is: Trust the Inner Voice. Sometimes, when people act even out of love for you, they may just be taking you off your course as destined by God.  

Listen Always to The Inner Voice. Pray about your every decision. When you hear the voice, it is crystal clear, and the voice adds no confusion to your state of mind!

Pray before you make any decisions. Pray on it, Pray over it and Pray through it.

 I have come to realize that many decisions that did not work out right for me were decisions I made without speaking to God about them through my prayers. But I can tell you something, these decisions allowed me to learn and grow and this is positive at the end of it all.  

I try always to look at the positive in all my experiences and this is what gives me the hope and courage to continue my journey of life. There is always going to be a bright light at the end of the tunnel if you allow it.

Follow the Inner Voice (The Voice of the Holy Spirit of God) and you won’t, and you can’t go wrong.