Jesus Is Lord

Jesus Is Lord


Then I heard Jesus Is Lord.

Personally, this statement is the most important in the Scriptures. The question is why is it the most important statement? When I explain my Google search on the meaning and significance of this statement, I believe you will agree with me on my position.

What does the Bible mean by Lord?

The name of the Lord is a Biblical expression for the whole character of God. The name of the Lord refers to God’s person and character. The Lord is our rock, our Refuge, our Fortress, our Shepherd, our King, and our Redeemer. In the Bible, the Lord has revealed to us that He is merciful, kind, and caring.

We are not autonomous creatures. We live to serve this Master.” That’s what we are saying when we accept Him as Our Lord.

What Does It Mean to Say That Jesus Christ is Lord?

For Jesus to be Lord means that He is the Ruler, Boss, and Master of our whole life. He cannot be Lord of a part — He must be given control of the entire life – the whole life.

And if he’s Lord over all, it means Jesus is Our Lord. That’s what we are saying when we confess Jesus as Lord. We are saying, “Jesus can call the shots for our lives.  Jesus can tell us how we should think about ourselves, marriage, and the world. Jesus is the one who has all Authority in Heaven and on Earth.

How does one come to know Jesus as Lord?

Accepting Jesus Christ as our Savior involves recognizing His Lordship, for the Savior who saved us when we received Him by faith is the Lord Jesus Christ. We cannot and do not receive Him as Savior only. We receive Him as Lord and Savior.

How do I accept Jesus Christ as My Lord?

  1. Acknowledge that you are a sinner.
  2. Confess your sins to God.
  3. Ask God to forgive you of your sins.
  4. Ask God to come into your heart.
  5. Accept Him as Lord and Savior of your life.


Let us Pray.

May The Lord Jesus Christ, Be Merciful to us and grant us The Grace to accept Him as our Lord and Savior, Amen.

Praise The Lord God Almighty, Praise The Lord Jesus Christ, Praise The Lord, The Holy Spirit.


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