My White Prayer Handbook for End Times

My White Prayer Handbook for End Times


Part Two

I have chosen to write this post under the same title as my previous post because the subject matter remains the same: End Times.

Jesus Christ Is Coming Soon

And then I heard, ‘God Is Coming Down, God Is on The Road’. The moment I heard this, I saw a big fireball and a white horse with a Rider holding up a sword.

In the Book of Revelation chapter 19: 11, Apostle John says ‘And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness, he doth judge and make war. His eyes were as a flame of fire, and on his head were many crowns, and he had a name written, that no man knew, but he himself.’

The Most Righteous and Just Judge

Our Lord Jesus The Most Righteous and Just Judge, is coming very soon to pronounce His judgment on Earth.  ‘He will clear His threshing floor and gather His wheat into the barn but the chaff he will burn with unquenchable fire.’(Matthew 3:12).

Each Person’s Work Will Be Seen

Also, in the Book of 1 Corinthians 3 Vs 13, Apostle Paul writes ‘And the quality of each person’s work will be seen when the Day of Christ exposes it. For on that day, fire will reveal everyone’s work; the fire will test it and show its real quality. If what was built on the foundation survives the fire, the builder will get a reward.’

It is clear to me that these are End Times and Our Lord Jesus Christ is Coming Soon. The revelation knowledge graciously shared with me by The Holy Spirit of God,  confirms to me that the time is at Hand for the Second Coming of Our Lord Jesus Christ.

Urgent Need To Repent

There is an urgent need to repent and ask for Mercy from God in these End Times For The Day of Judgment of The Lord Jesus Christ is near.

In Acts 3:19-21 NKJV, Apostle Luke writes, “Repent therefore and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, so that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord, “and that He may send Jesus Christ, who was preached to you before, “whom heaven must receive until the times of restoration of all things, which God has spoken.’

Eternal Life

Eternal life in Heaven is the Reward for Repentance, Salvation, and Redemption.

In John 10: 27-29, Apostle John quotes Our Lord Jesus ‘And I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; neither shall anyone snatch them out of My hand’.

Praise The Lord God Almighty, Praise The Lord God Jesus Christ, Praise The Holy Spirit.

Below is a prayer asking for the atonement of the sins for All by the Precious Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ.

I have updated my last post to reflect a few changes.

Title: My White Prayer Book for The End Times

Inspired by The Divine Mercy Chaplet

On each “Our Father” bead of the rosary, pray:
Eternal Father, I offer you the Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity of your Dearly Beloved Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, in the atonement of sins:

  • the atonement of sins of Your Two Witnesses
  • the atonement of My sins
  • the atonement of the sins of my Family members, Patrilineal and Matrilineal Bloodlines of my parents to a thousand generations and their spouses, my children, grandchildren, and descendants to a thousand generations and their spouses
  • the atonement of the sins of my Siblings, Relatives, in-laws, their Patrilineal and Matrilineal Bloodlines of their parents to a thousand generations and their spouses, their children, grandchildren, and descendants to a thousand generations and their spouses
  • the atonement of the sins of Little Children in the world
  • the atonement of the sins of Unborn Babies
  • the atonement of the Sins of the Clergy
  • the atonement of the sins of The Markets
  • the atonement of the sins of Governments of Nations
  • the atonement of the sins of the Technology Space
  • the atonement of the sins of Leaders of The Public and Private Sectors
  • the atonement of the sins of Leaders of Governmental and Non-Governmental agencies
  • the atonement of the sins of the Poor, Needy, and the Vulnerable
  • the atonement of the sins of the players in the underworld
  • the atonement of the sins of the whole World


Our Father, who art in Heaven…..

Sorrowful Passion

On each of the 10 “Hail Mary” beads, pray:

  1. For the sake of Your Sorrowful Passion, Lord Jesus, graciously Have Mercy on the Souls, Bodies, and Spirits of Your Two Witnesses. Please Purify, Sanctify, and Justify their Souls, Bodies, and Spirits with Your Precious Blood, Amen.

Holy Mary Mother of God, Spiritual Vessel of God, The Ark of The Covenant, please bless these Anointed Sons of God, Gifts from God for God, and Gifts from God for Humanity; pray for them at the hour of their death, to be comforted by Angels of God, Amen.

Holy Mary, Mother of Our Savior, Queen of Martyrs, please pray to God to bless these two Olive Trees, with the anointing of Power and Mercy like the Prophets Elijah and Elisha, Amen.

Blessed Mother Mary, Queen Mother of Heaven and Earth, Queen of Prophets, please pray that these two Lampstands of God, are made worthy of the Promises and Sacrifices of Christ, Amen.

Lord Jesus Christ, Word Made Flesh, Lamb of God, Tabernacle of God, by Your Blood, help them prepare for their Earth’s mission as forerunners of Your Second Coming in the End times, Amen.

Lord Jesus Christ, Our Loving and Eternal Father, Mighty God, please give your angels charge over them, Amen.

Holy Spirit of The Living God, The Paraclete, the Finger of God, The Life-Giver, The Strengthener, and The Divine Light, please Be their Light, Guide, Strength, Comforter, Helper, and Keeper at All times, Amen.

Blessed Mother, Mary ever –Virgin, Our Lady of Fatima, The Black Madonna of Einsiedeln, Our Lady of Kibeho, Seat of Wisdom, Mother of Good Counsel, please pray to Our Lord Jesus Christ to graciously grant them the unending Understanding, unending Knowledge, unending Wisdom, and unending Fortitude they need for their Earth’s journey to the Kingdom of The Almighty Holy God, Amen.

Hail Mary……….

Holy Mary, Mother of God, Gate of Heaven, Refuge of sinners, please pray for me a sinner now and at the hour of my death, Amen.

Immaculate Holy Mary, Queen Mother of Our Lord Jesus Christ, Virgin Most Powerful, please pray to Our Lord Jesus to mercifully save me from the snares of Fowlers, noisome pestilences, and the flaming arrows of the evil one, and set me completely free from the deception, oppression, and stronghold of satan, Amen.

Lord Jesus Christ, Our Loving and Eternal Father, Mighty God, please give your angels charge over me, Amen.

Compassionate Mother, Refuge of sinners, please pray that I am made worthy of the Promises and Sacrifices of Christ, Amen.

My Lord Jesus Christ, The Good Shepherd, The Prince of Peace, The Great Healer, The King of Saints, The Lamb of God, by Your Blood, please help my Soul, Body, and Spirit prepare for my Earth’s assignment, Amen.

My Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, My Redeemer, My God, and My King, by Your Blood, please help my Soul, Body, and Spirit prepare for Your Second Coming as the Holy Majestic King of the Earth, Amen.

Holy Spirit of The Living God, The Paraclete, The Finger of God, The Life-Giver, The Transformer, The Strengthener, and The Divine Light, please Be my Light, Strength, Guide; Comforter, Helper, and Keeper at All times, Amen.

Blessed Mother, Mary ever –Virgin, Our Lady of Fatima, The Black Madonna of Einsiedeln, Our Lady of Kibeho, Seat of Wisdom, Mother of Good Counsel, please pray to Our Lord Jesus Christ to kindly grant me the unending Understanding, unending Knowledge, unending Wisdom, and unending Fortitude I need for my Earth’s journey to the Kingdom of The Almighty Holy God, Amen.

Hail Mary…….

Lord Jesus Christ, graciously Have Mercy on the Souls, Bodies, and Spirits of my Siblings and Relatives, in-laws, the Patrilineal and Matrilineal Bloodlines of their parents to a thousand generations and their spouses, their offspring, grandchildren, and descendants to a thousand generations, and their spouses, Amen.

Please Lord, Purify, Sanctify, and Justify these Souls, Bodies, and Spirits with Your Precious Blood, Amen.

Holy Mary Mother of Divine Grace, Refuge of sinners, please pray for them sinners now, and at the hour of their death, Amen.

Immaculate Holy Mary, Virgin Most Powerful, please pray to Our Lord Jesus Christ, to mercifully save them from the snares of Fowlers, noisome pestilences, and flaming arrows of the evil one, and set them completely free from the deception, oppression, and stronghold of satan, Amen.

Lord Jesus Christ, Our Loving and Eternal Father, Mighty God, please give your angels charge over them, Amen.

Blessed Queen Mother Mary, Mother of Faith, please pray they are made worthy of the Promises and Sacrifices of Our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.

Most Holy God, Lord Jesus Christ, Our Redeemer, and Our King, The Great Healer, by Your Blood, kindly help their Souls, Bodies, and Spirits prepare for Your Second Coming as The Holy Majestic King of the Earth, Amen.

Holy Spirit of The Living God, The Paraclete, The Finger of God, The Life-Giver, The Transformer, The Strengthener, and The Divine Light, please Be their Light, Strength, and Guide; Comforter, Helper, and Keeper at All times, Amen.

Blessed Mother, Mary ever –Virgin, Our Lady of Fatima, The Black Madonna of Einsiedeln, Our Lady of Kibeho, Seat of Wisdom, Mother of Good Counsel, please pray to Our Lord Jesus Christ to kindly grant them the unending Understanding, unending Knowledge, unending Wisdom, and unending Fortitude they need for their Earth’s journey to the Kingdom of The Almighty Holy God, Amen.

Hail Mary……

  • For the sake of Your sorrowful Passion, Lord Jesus, graciously Have Mercy on the Souls, Bodies, and Spirits of All Little and Unborn Children, Amen.

Kindly Purify, Sanctify, and Justify their Hearts, Souls, Bodies, and Spirits with Your Precious Blood, Amen.

Holy Mary Mother of God, Refuge of sinners. Cause of our Joy, please pray for them sinners now and at the hour of their death, Amen.

Immaculate Holy Mary, Virgin Most Powerful, please pray to Our Lord Jesus Christ, to save them from the snares of Fowlers, noisome pestilences, and flaming arrows of the evil one, and set them completely free from the deception, oppression, and stronghold of satan, Amen.

Mother of Our Savior, Queen of Angels, please pray to save these young boys, young girls, and unborn babies from pedophiles, child molesters, sex traffickers, child traffickers, drug peddlers, and abortionists, Amen.

Lord Jesus Christ, Our Loving and Eternal Father, Mighty God, please give your angels charge over them, Amen.

Blessed Holy Mother Mary, Virgin Most Merciful, please pray that these children are made worthy of the Promises and Sacrifices of Christ, Amen.

Lord Jesus Christ, The Great Healer, Our Savior, and Shield, by Your Blood, kindly help their Souls, Bodies, and Spirits prepare for Your Second Coming as The Holy Majestic King of The Earth, Amen.

Holy Spirit of The Living God, The Paraclete, The Finger of God, The Transformer, The Strengthener, The Life-Giver, and The Divine Light, please Be their Light, Strength, and Guide; Comforter, Helper, and Keeper at All times, Amen.

Blessed Mother, Mary ever –Virgin, Our Lady of Fatima, The Black Madonna of Einsiedeln, Our Lady of Kibeho, Seat of Wisdom, Mother of Good Counsel, please pray to Our Lord Jesus Christ to graciously grant them the unending Understanding, unending Knowledge, unending Wisdom, and unending Fortitude they need for their Earth’s journey to the Kingdom of The Almighty Holy God, Amen.

Hail Mary……….

  • For the sake of Your Sorrowful Passion, Lord Jesus Christ, please Have Mercy on the Souls, Bodies, and Spirits of the Whole World.

Kindly Purify, Sanctify, and Justify these Souls, Bodies, and Spirits with Your Precious Blood, Amen.

Holy Mary, Mother of God, Queen Mother of The World, Refuge of sinners, please pray for All sinners now and at the hour of Our Death, Amen.

Immaculate Holy Mary, Virgin Most Powerful, please pray to Our Lord Jesus Christ, to save us from the snares of Fowlers, noisome pestilences, and flaming arrows of the evil one, and set us completely free from the deception, oppression, and stronghold of satan, Amen.

Lord Jesus Christ, Our Loving and Eternal Father, Mighty God, please give your angels charge over us, Amen.

Blessed Mother Mary, Mother of Faith, please pray that All Souls are made worthy of the Promises and Sacrifices of Christ, Amen.

Lord Jesus Christ, The Great Healer, Our Savior, and Shield, by Your Blood, please help our Souls, Bodies, and Spirits prepare for Your Second Coming as The Holy Majestic King of The Earth, Amen.

Holy Spirit of The Living God, The Paraclete, The Finger of God, The Transformer, The Strengthener, The Life-Giver, and The Divine Light, kindly Be our Light, Strength, and Guide; Comforter, Helper, and Keeper at All times, Amen.

Blessed Mother, Mary ever –Virgin, Our Lady of Fatima, The Black Madonna of Einsiedeln, Our Lady of Kibeho, Seat of Wisdom, Mother of Good Counsel, please pray to Our Lord Jesus Christ to graciously grant us the unending Understanding, unending Knowledge, unending Wisdom, and unending Fortitude we need for our Earth’s journey to the Kingdom of The Almighty Holy God, Amen.

Hail Mary……

  • For the sake of Your Sorrowful Passion, Lord Jesus Christ, The Alpha, and The Omega, graciously Have Mercy on the Souls, Bodies, and Spirits of All members of The Clergy:  Priests, Reverend Sisters, Pastors, Evangelists, Missionaries, Apostles, Preachers, Laymen, Bishops, Cardinals, The Pope, The Church, and All Faiths.

Graciously Purify, Sanctify, and Justify these Souls, Bodies, and Spirits with Your Precious Blood, Amen.

Holy Mary Mother of God, Refuge of Sinners, Mother of Faith, please pray for them sinners now and at the hour of their death, Amen.

 Immaculate Holy Mary, Virgin Most Powerful, please pray to Our Lord Jesus Christ, to mercifully save them from the snares of Fowlers, noisome pestilences, and flaming arrows of the evil one, and set them completely free from the deception, oppression, and stronghold of satan, Amen.

Lord Jesus Christ, Our Loving and Eternal Father, Mighty God, please give your angels charge over them, Amen.

Blessed Holy Mary, Queen of Confessors, Mother Most Admirable, please pray that these Souls, Bodies, and Spirits are made worthy of the Promises and Sacrifices of Christ, Amen.

Lord Jesus Christ, The Great Healer, The Prince of Peace, The Friend of sinners, The Lamb of God, by Your Blood, kindly help them prepare for Your Second Coming as The Holy Majestic King of The Earth, Amen.

Holy Spirit of The Living God, The Paraclete, The Finger of God, The Life-Giver, The Strengthener, The Transformer, and The Divine Light, please Be their Light, Strength, and Guide; Comforter, Helper, and Keeper at All times, Amen.

Blessed Mother, Mary ever-Virgin, Our Lady of Fatima, The Black Madonna of Einsiedeln, Our Lady of Kibeho, Seat of Wisdom, Mother of Good Counsel, please pray to Our Lord Jesus Christ to kindly grant them unending Understanding, unending Knowledge, unending Wisdom, and unending Fortitude they need for their Earth’s journey to the Kingdom of The Almighty Holy God, Amen.

Hail Mary…….

Blessed Saint Joseph, Patron Saint of The Universal Church, please pray for All departed and departing Souls, and Blessed Holy Mother Mary, please pray that these Souls are made worthy of the Promises and Sacrifices of Christ, Amen.

Blessed Saint Joseph, The Chaste and Obedient earthly spouse of Our Blessed Mother, Mary ever-Virgin, please pray to The Lord Jesus Christ, Our Redeemer and Savior, to save these Souls, from the fires of hell, and lead ALL Souls to Heaven, especially those in most need of His Mercy, Amen.

Lord Jesus Christ, The Only Holy, Righteous, Merciful Judge, and King of Saints, please grant these souls Eternal Rest and let Your perpetual light shine upon them, may their Souls Rest in Peace, Amen.

Hail Mary……

  • For the sake of Your Sorrowful Passion, Eternal Father, The Most High God, The Alpha, and The Omega, The Lofty One, in whom Mercy is endless and the treasury of compassion inexhaustible, kindly look upon us and increase your Mercy in us, that in difficult moments we might not despair nor become despondent, but with great confidence submit ourselves to your holy will, which is Love and Mercy itself. Amen.

 (Diary, 950)

Most Compassionate Mother, Mirror of Justice, Comforter of the Afflicted, Health of The Sick, please pray for the Afflicted, Sick, Poor, Handicapped, the Mentally Challenged, Suicidals, Vulnerable, and Regions in Conflict, for God to mercifully grant them relief and assistance in these difficult times, Amen.

Queen of The Most Holy Rosary, please pray to Our Lord Jesus Christ, The Divine Solution Provider, to kindly provide for the Unprivileged, the Underprivileged, the Unseen, and the Groups listed above, who are in despair and anxiety, Amen.

Blessed Mother Mary, Queen of Apostles, Virgin Full of Grace. The Knot Remover, with your kind hands, please help us remove all obstacles on our path that have become knots hindering the attainment of God’s Gracious Purpose in Our Lives, Amen.

Ever-Present, All-Knowing, and All-Powerful Holy God of Mankind, please rebuke satan and his dark kingdom from tormenting and destroying the works of Your Creation, and graciously deliver All Souls, Bodies, and Spirits, from the arsenals, wiles, and torments of demons, and evil spirits that subjugate the Souls, Bodies and Spirits of Your Children to pain, and suffering, Amen.

Hail Mary…….

10. For the sake of Your Sorrowful Passion, O Lord God Jesus Christ, whose mercies are without number and whose treasure of goodness is infinite, graciously increase the faith of your people consecrated to you, that we all may grasp and rightly understand by whose love we have been created, through whose Blood we have been redeemed, and by whose Spirit we have been reborn. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

            (Roman Missal, Votive Mass of the Mercy of God)

Oh Lord Jesus Christ, The Most Holy God, The Loving Father of Divine Passion, please help us overcome the temptations of the Flesh: Sight, Hearing, Tastes, Feel and Touch, and Smell, Amen.

Almighty God, All Holy, and All Righteous God, mercifully grant us the Grace of Holiness and Righteousness which comes with unsurpassed peace, Amen.

Lord Jesus Christ, Merciful Father, The Bread of Life, Fountain of Love, generously give us this day our daily bread; and kindly give us the Grace and Heart, to forgive ourselves and others, as we pray that others forgive us and forgive themselves for hurts that burden Souls, Bodies, and Spirits, Amen.

The Omnipotent, Omniscient, and Omnipresent God, graciously inspires us, Lord, to Fear, Love, and deeply reverence You as Our Creator and The Creator of All Things Visible and Invisible. Please help us to willingly submit to your Divine, Holy, and Perfect Will as a Blessing, a Guide, and The Executor of our destinies, Amen.

Almighty God, to Whom All Power belongs, The Holy King of Kings, The Holy Lord of Lords, The Holy King of Glory, and The Almighty God of Integrity, please grant Leaders, All in Leadership roles, and Decision-makers of Governments, Corporate organizations, Government and Non-Governmental Agencies, the Fear of God to manage their affairs with Godly principles, Amen.

Lord Jesus Christ, God of Integrity and Justice, please extend Your Grace of Love, Courage, and a Sound mind, to these Leaders to enable them to govern their organizations with Principles, Visions, Goals, Values, and Strategies that are based on Godly motives, and focus on the Common good of society, Amen.

God of Justice, Fairness, and Equity please infuse in the hearts of the leaders and drivers of the technology sector, the Fear of God, consideration for the Common Good of Humanity, the Grace of Good Governance, Leadership, and Ethics as they control, manage, and deploy new technological advancements in the World, Amen.

Lord God Jesus Christ, The All-Forgiving God, Friend of Sinners, please touch the Hearts, Souls, and Minds of those who engage in nefarious activities for self-aggrandisement, with dire consequences for All society, and grant them the Grace to repent from their wicked ways and accept Your Love of Redemption and Salvation which you paid for by Your Sorrowful Crucifixion on The Cross of Calvary, Amen.

Hail Mary….

Glory Be to The Father

Glory be to The Father and to The Son, and to The Holy Spirit.  As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, World without end, Amen.

Oh, My Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fires of hell, and lead all Souls to Heaven especially those in most need of thy mercy, Amen.

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