
Then I heard ‘They will come out of their dens; they will fear my God, My Almighty God’.

When I heard this message, I said to myself, the battle is over. The children of God have won the battle over satan. God has given us Victory over satan. Our God, The Father of Jubilee has set us free from satan and all his cohorts: lucifer, beelzebub, asmodeus, leviathan, and the other demons in the echelon of satan’s wicked kingdom of darkness; for satan’s kingdom of darkness is responsible for the prevalence of evil over good in the world.

Then I went to the internet to search for the scripture and commentaries associated with the message I received. I found the text of my message in the book of Micah. Contextually, I will quote from Micah 7, verses 16-18. God says he will have compassion on Israel.  In other words, it was time for the ‘Egyptians’ to let God’s people go free. Enough Is Enough.

God’s Compassion on Israel

Concerning God’s compassion on His people, God says ‘…16 Nations will see and be ashamed, deprived of all their might. They will put their hands over their mouths, and their ears will become deaf. 17 They will lick the dust like a snake, like reptiles slithering on the ground. They will crawl from their holes in the presence of the LORD our God; they will tremble in fear of You. 18 Who is a God like You, who pardons iniquity and passes over the transgression of the remnant of His inheritance—who does not retain His anger forever, because He delights in loving devotion’…

When God freed the Israelites from slavery, Jehovah God showed His people many marvelous things. Scripture says in Micah 7:15, ‘As in the days of thy coming out of the land of Egypt will I show unto them marvelous things’. The nations shall see and be confounded at all their might: they shall lay their hand upon their mouth, and their ears shall be deaf. 


There were “marvelous things” shown when the Hebrews were delivered from Egypt; marvelous things when they were brought out of Babylonian captivity; but these marvelous things are but mere shadows of the marvels displayed in the moral redemption of mankind. The incarnation of Christ; the wonders that His mighty hand performed; the extraordinary phenomena connected with His death, His resurrection, and ascension to heaven; the revolutions in the moral character and institutions of mankind; – all these are, in truth the wonders of The Wonderful, the marvels of The Marvelous.

“The nations shall be confounded at their might, they shall lay their hand upon their mouth,” etc. As Egypt and Babylon were confounded, humbled, and terrified at God’s marvels in the Israelites’ deliverance, so will all the spiritual foes of Christ be ultimately overwhelmed by the wonders displayed at the redemption of the world.

Matthew Henry’s remarks on this passage are worth quoting. “1. Those that had exulted over the people of God in their distress, and gloried that when they had them down they would keep them down, shall be confounded when they see God’s children thus surprisingly rising up.

Enemies Confounded

The enemies shall be confounded at all the might with which the erstwhile captives shall now exert themselves, whom they thought forever disabled. The enemies shall now lay their hands upon their mouths as being ashamed of what they have said, and not be able to say anymore by way of triumph over God’s people. Nay, their ears shall be deaf too, so much so that they shall be ashamed at the wonderful deliverance; they shall stop their ears as being not willing to hear any more of God’s wonders wrought for those people whom they had so despised and exulted over.

Enemies Confronted God

Those that had impudently confronted God himself shall now be struck with a fear of him, and thereby brought, in profession at least, to submit to him. They shall lick the dust like a serpent; they shall be so mortified as if they were to be sentenced to the same curse the serpent was laid under (Genesis 3:14).

The enemies of God and God’s people shall be brought to the lowest abasements imaginable and shall be so dispirited that the enemies shall tamely submit to God’s triumphant people. They shall lick the dust of God’s people’s feet (Isaiah 49:23). Proud oppressors shall be made sensible of how mean and little they are before the great God.

And the enemies shall with trembling and the lowest submission move out of the holes into which they had crept, like worms of the earth as they are, being ashamed and afraid to show their heads; so low shall they be brought and such abjects shall they be when they are abased.

Wonders For His Triumphant People

When God did wonders for his triumphant people, many of the people of the land became Jews because the fear of the Jews and their God fell on them (Esther 8:17). So also, will it be today that many of the people who despised God and God’s people, will now become true followers of our Lord Jesus Christ.  It is promised here that the enemies shall be afraid of the Lord God Almighty, Our Lord Jesus Christ, and Our Lord the Holy Ghost and shall fear because of thee, O Israel! (God’s triumphant people).  Forced submissions are often feigned submissions, yet they redound to the glory of God and the Church, and not to the benefit of the dissemblers themselves.” –

So, Brothers and Sisters in Christ, we have won the victory over satan and his cohorts, and satan and his treacherous allies of darkness will be judged at the second coming of Our Lord Jesus Christ (which is sooner than later) and they ALL will be condemned to eternal damnation in hell fire for eternity.


Fear God and dissociate from satan who only comes to steal, kill and destroy. In the book of Ecclesiastes 12:13-14, the bible says ‘Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God and keep his commandments: for this is the duty of Man. For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good or whether it be evil.

Praise God Almighty, Praise Our Lord Jesus, Praise The Holy Ghost.


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