The Dark Mansion and The Light Mansion

The Dark Mansion and The Light Mansion


I saw a vision of two mansions, with many windows in both mansions in the middle of the airspace. The second mansion towered over the first mansion. My rough estimate is that the second mansion is about 1000 x bigger than the first mansion, both standing side by side in midair.

Description of the Mansions.

The first mansion was painted black. Looking through the windows, from the outside into the first mansion, was pitch dark. There was no light in this mansion.

The second mansion was painted white. Looking through the windows from the outside into the bigger mansion was a beautiful warm yellow light cast over the inner space within the building. It was beautiful, warm, and alluring.

Then, I asked the Holy Ghost what this means, and the Holy Ghost gave me the interpretation. But I’d like to reserve the Holy Ghost meaning to the end of the write-up. For now, I thought I should research the meaning of Biblical Mansions in the Bible. Below is a summary of what I found.

What are the mansions in John 14: 1-2?

God’s Mansion- The Mansion with Light

In the book of John, the Apostle John says [1] ‘Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me. [2] In my Father’s house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.

My “Father’s house” above, refers to the domain of God; heaven is a place where we will live with both Jesus and God. “Many mansions” means that there is room for all. All are welcome who accept Our Lord Jesus Christ and repent of All sins.

God’s Dwelling Place- New Heaven and New Earth

Also in the book of Revelations, the Apostle John says ‘Revelation 21:1-27 ESV, ‘Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and the sea was no more. And I saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, “Behold, the dwelling place of God is with man. He will dwell with them, and they will be his people, and God himself will be with them as their God. He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away.” And he who was seated on the throne said, “Behold, I am making all things new.” Also, he said, “Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true.” …

God’s Dwelling Place- All Tears Are Wiped Away

The above is the most relevant discovery (for this write-up) of my research on God’s dwelling place. In God’s lit mansion, all tears are wiped away, there is peace, abundance, and joy overflowing. Love for one another is the language of this domain. Forgiveness of one another and caring for one another is the order of the day. Simply put, you are your brother’s keeper. In this Kingdom, the fundamental Law according to Scriptures in the book of Matt.22 Verses 34 to 40, [37] Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. [38] This is the first and great commandment. [39] And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. [40] On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.

However, in the dark-filled Mansion, here is what my research found:

In the article, SATAN’S CITY (REVELATION 2:12-13) By Sam Storms, I have a few extracts I consider relevant and appropriate to describe the Dark Mansion.

 ‘: from what Jesus says in his letter to the church in Pergamum, the Christians there may well be described as living in “Satan’s City”! “I know where you dwell,” said Jesus, “where Satan’s throne is” (Rev. 2:13a). Later in the same verse he refers to Pergamum as the place “where Satan dwells” (Rev. 2:13b).

Pergamum was one of the largest cities in the ancient world…and exceeded its southern neighbor both in love for and loyalty to the emperor. Pergamum was the capital city of the Roman province of Asia and retained this honor well into the 2nd century. But it wasn’t primarily for either political or economic achievements that Pergamum was famous for, but for religion. Pergamum was the center of worship for at least four of the most important pagan cults of the day.

Satan’s Seat

Upon entering the city, one couldn’t help but notice the gigantic altar of Zeus erected on a huge platform some 800 ft. above the city, looking down on its inhabitants like a great vulture hovering over its prey. Many have sought to identify “Satan’s seat” or “throne” (v. 13) with this altar. Amazingly, a reconstructed form of this altar is on display in the Pergamum Museum in Berlin.

Pergamum was also the center for the worship of Athene and Dionysus. However, the most distinctive and celebrated cult of all was dedicated to the worship of Asclepios (or Aesculapius). Often referred to as “Savior” (soter) in Greek mythology, ….. The symbol of Asclepios was the serpent, which has led some to identify the “throne of Satan” with the shrine erected to his worship… But above and beyond the worship directed at these pagan deities was the fact that Pergamum was the acknowledged center in Asia Minor for the imperial cult of Caesar. For more details on the above-referenced article, please click on the link,–satans-city–revelation-2:12-13-

The Dark Mansion

The dark Mansion, mansion as it may be, is darkness, the Throne of Satan, the Trickery Serpent. And we must remember that Scriptures tell us that Satan, the devil, comes as a thief ‘ only to steal and kill and destroy. Satan means no good to the world. It is important to state here that the thief referred to here is not only the devil, but also some religious, spiritual, political, and economic leaders of this world controlled by the spirit of the Devil, the Serpent.

From the early pages of the book of Genesis to the final chapters of Revelation, the Bible tells us that Satan is attempting to take good things created by God and either steal them (e.g., snatching people from God), kill them (e.g., enticing humans toward self-harm), or destroy them (e.g., destroying some churches through persecution, destroying some religious temples with false spiritual teachings, destroying some Corporate, Governmental and Non-Governmental institutions,) with unethical and corrupt practices.

For more details on the topic, ‘The devil comes to steal. Kill and destroy’, please click on the link below:

Now, it is time to tell you, verbatim what I captured in my journal from the Holy Spirit regarding the two mansions:

The Kingdom of Light

The Holy Ghost says the two mansions represent the Kingdom of Darkness and The Kingdom of Light. The Kingdom of Light is the Kingdom of God which is represented by the bigger Mansion colored white with light, that is positioned far above the Kingdom of darkness.

In the Kingdom of Light resides light, visibility, righteousness, overflowing joy, peace, love, abundance, prosperity, warmth, and eternal Bliss.

The Kingdom of Darkness

The Kingdom of darkness is positioned on a lower plane and represented by the dark-colored building with no light.

In the Kingdom of Darkness resides darkness, unrighteousness, bitterness, deceit, betrayal, pain, misery, never-ending tears, anguish, gnashing of teeth, unquenching hunger and thirst, and eternal suffering.

The stark reality of life in the dark kingdom is enough to dissuade any right-thinking human from the path of darkness. Surprisingly, this is not the case because Satan is the Father of Lies and Deception. Many people are drawn into Satan’s net because of Satan’s deceitful strategies channeled through today’s world culture of Materialism, Fame, Money, Status, Power, etc.

On the contrary, in the Kingdom of Light, Our Lord Jesus came that we may have life abundantly. Our Lord Jesus says, ‘I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full” (John 10:10). We must remember, our Lord Jesus Christ’s “I am” statements: “I am the gate” (i.e., the way to salvation; John 10:9) and “I am the good shepherd” (John 10:11). He contrasts himself with the “thief”, Satan, who wants to steal the sheep and the “hired hand” who runs away at the first sign of a wolf. It is in this context that Jesus explains, why we must resist Satan, and come to God’s Kingdom of Love and Light.


To conclude, I pray that the triune God, God the Father, God the Son, and God The Holy Ghost in His infinite Mercy, help us All, to make the right decision to come into God’s Mansion of Light, with Eternal Bliss. For the second coming of Our Lord Jesus Christ is nigh, therefore We All should be prepared.

Praise God Almighty, Praise Our Lord Jesus Christ, Praise The Holy Ghost.

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