Overcome The Unconscious Mind

Overcome The Unconscious Mind


Then I heard the voice say ‘Overcome the Unconscious Mind; This is Where the Challenge Is’.

When I heard this, I said to myself, I know nothing about psychology or philosophy, and I thought this is an area for experts to decipher. I said, Holy Ghost, how can I write a post on such a complex topic in the field of human psychology or philosophy?

As I discussed this revelation with my daughter, she said oh you mean the Subconscious mind? I said no. The Holy Spirit has told me not to change his messages ever. That he would always lead me to the right explanation for how he wanted the message conveyed to the reader. As a result, I insisted to keep the message exactly as I received it.

The Difference Between the Unconscious Mind and The Conscious Mind

Then, my daughter said, ok, let’s get to find out the difference between the unconscious mind and the subconscious mind. So off I went to google as usual. However, I thought it necessary to widen the scope of my research to cover not just the unconscious mind, and the subconscious mind, but also the conscious mind and the 4th level of human consciousness. This way, I get to have a 360-degree view of the topic of consciousness hopefully. And to briefly touch on the meaning of conscience.

There are always different meanings or explanations for a word or phrase, but I will select the meaning or explanation that resonates best with the message I wish to convey.

First, I will attempt to briefly describe these four psychological/philosophical concepts before I delve into my spiritual understanding of my revelation. Below are my findings.

The Conscious Mind; The Subconscious Mind; The Unconscious Mind; The 4th Level of Consciousness; The Conscience

The Conscious Mind

Conscious Mind/Thoughts

The conscious mind is a mind that is aware of its true desires and able to direct its energy for the progressive realization of those desires.” (Fearless Soul)

 “In simple words, to live consciously means that an individual is creating his or her life consciously rather than drifting along passively.

The desire to have more control of one’s life, to see and act with greater clarity, and live with more intention and purpose falls within the conscious mind. People generally find living consciously joyful. It is a process or journey that unfolds daily and continues to unfold.

The Subconscious Mind

The Subconscious / Feelings

The subconscious is that part of consciousness that is not currently in focal awareness.  

This refers to anything in the mind that cannot be consciously processed in that moment but can be recalled. Generally, the subconscious mind deals with feelings. This aspect of the mind is accessible if one steers one’s attention to it and makes a deliberate effort to recall it.

It is important to state here, that, feelings are not always factual.

The Unconscious Mind

The Unconscious Mind/No Access

The Unconscious mind has been equated by some writers as the belief system and other mindsets passively acquired by an individual during the individual’s life journey.

The unconscious mind consists of the processes in the mind that occur automatically and are not available to introspection, and include thought processes, memory, affect, and motivation. One writer explains that to live unconsciously means to live without awareness. People can walk around not even knowing certain things about themselves because it exists the way it does without any consciousness.

The Unconscious mind is tied to one’s Belief system and one’s Belief system is influenced by past experiences, societal values and norms, childhood experiences, past experiences in adulthood, and family belief systems, norms, and values, etc.

Repressed, Primitive, Or Instinctual Thoughts

The unconscious mind houses repressed primitive or instinctual thoughts that cannot be deliberately brought to the surface.

It is not accessible by oneself. Possibly by the psychoanalyst based on a person’s behavior, past experiences, and other factors

Another writer says that the unconscious mind includes repressed feelings, hidden memories, habits, thoughts, desires, and reactions. Some examples indicate that the unconscious mind could house unpleasant memories and emotions that make us uncomfortable. We generally are not proud of those memories. These memories and emotions are stored in the unconscious mind.

We can easily access the conscious mind, but not the unconscious mind. However, they both are connected to human conditioning.

According to the writer Mary Allen, “Where there is a lack of consciousness, we live our lives out of conditioned habit and impulses – which may or may not serve our highest potential or happiness.”

However, Carl Jung, the Swiss psychologist, and psychiatrist believes that “The unconscious mind of man sees correctly even when conscious reason is blind and impotent.” – Carl Jung.

Why is the unconscious mind so important?

Because it drives most of what we do. But the point of it being “unconscious” is that we are not always actively aware of why we are doing it.

As we delve deeper into the unconscious mind, what is underneath can also be the most problematic or painful for us. It can hold our feelings, our fears, our secrets, our repression, and our insecurities

The unconscious mind can come out in different ways. It can be the reason an individual acts in a certain way or how he or she makes decisions. The unconscious can come out in what a person says, showing true nature and desire such as through what is called a “Freudian slip.”

It can control one’s being and how one conducts oneself; it can also help one unleash one’s potential once one learns how to tap into it.

Some experts on this subject, say that one does not always know what motivates one initially. However, there are many ways to hack the unconscious mind and tap into its potential.

My way of hacking the unconscious mind and tapping into its potential is to view my reality (conscious mind/thoughts), and the subconscious mind (feelings) from a spiritual perspective (The 4th Level of Consciousness).

The 4th Level of Consciousness 

According to my research, the 4th level of consciousness is known as Transformation Consciousness.

This level of human consciousness is about finding freedom and autonomy. You will want to discover who you are beyond the parental programming and cultural conditioning you received during your formative years. This is the realm of the Spirit.

 This level of consciousness supersedes the ‘Unconscious’ Mind and I believe that this is what cracks the code of the challenge of the Unconscious mind.


Conscience is a noun referring to the awareness that one’s actions are right or wrong, as in one’s “guilty conscience,”.

The Power to Change Your Reality.

My view on the topic of consciousness.

The power to change one’s reality in the unconscious mind or to agree and collaborate with the unconscious mind is based on three questions I ask myself; Bear in mind that one can only change or agree with what one is conscious of. Therefore, in my attempt to address issues of my conscious mind, my subconscious mind, and my unconscious mind, I ask myself three questions; these questions are effectively answered, and the trusted answers come alive in me only in the 4th dimension of consciousness. 

The Three Questions

  1. What Do You See?

When what I see is positive and is in alignment with what God says in his book – The Holy Bible, I hold on to it and continue to hold on to it because not only do I believe what God says but I trust it. And I thank God for my reality which is positive and in alignment with God’s word.

  • What can you see?

When what I see is negative and does not align with God’s word and God’s plan for my life in the Holy Book, I switch over to the word of God immediately; to a posture of what is possible. What is possible for me to see that I am not currently seeing?

And I start to declare the word of God over the situation I am dealing with. So, I run to the word of God to draw on what my possibilities are. What are my possibilities with God on my side? The God factor is my faith which overrides all levels of consciousness and more significantly the unconscious mind.

Quote the Scriptures

So, I quote some bible scriptures that give me an assurance that God has the situation under control. I declare scriptures like in the book of Jeremiah 29:1, God says ‘For I know the plans I have for you’ declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future’. At this point, I have moved up to my 4th dimension of consciousness which is my faith in God. The scripture, Philippians 4:13, says ‘I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me’. With this consciousness, I go to sleep knowing that All Is Well.

  • What do you choose to see?

This is the most important of the ‘Sees’- what do you choose to see? This requires me to choose between what I see based on the word of God (Faith) and what the reality is at a given point in time.

At this point, the choice requires me to be intentional. It is at this point that my faith kicks in, and faith is part of the unconscious mind which is at the heart of the 4th dimension of consciousness.  

Even when the unconscious mind could be housing memories and emotions that make me uncomfortable and feel insecure,  the Holy Book has a solution for the unconscious state of mind if only I believe and trust God. In the book of Romans 8:1, the Apostle says “There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit”

Follow Jesus and Stay True to HIM

Therefore, if we follow Jesus and stay true to Him, we don’t have to worry about judgment; our guilt is a thing of the past whether in the conscious mind, the subconscious mind, or the unconscious mind. We must, therefore, speak the powerful promises of God in the Holy Bible over any negativity that resides in all the different levels of consciousness. Remember to speak…this means verbalize. Not only by our thoughts but by speaking. We can and we do overcome hidden and unhidden triggers by operating in the 4th level of consciousness. Verbalization is powerful for God’s promises to manifest in our life. God created the Universe and All that is in it by spoken words and not by thoughts.

We Cannot Think and Speak at the Same Time

If we try, we will observe that we can either think or speak at different points in time; we cannot do both at the same time. Therefore, when we speak the word of God, we shut down all negative thoughts that filter into our reality from the unconscious mind, the subconscious mind, and the conscious mind. Verbalization of God’s words is a strategic imperative for God’s promises to manifest in our lives. This is where Faith powers into the different levels of consciousness.

And this is the challenge that was revealed to me by the Holy Spirit of God. Most people in the world find it difficult to overcome the unconscious mind because they ignore it as non-existent, or they look to science to hack the unconscious mind ( which is belief systems, societal value systems, childhood experiences, and other factors that make up the unconscious mind). I do not believe that science can effectively hack the unconscious mind as faith can.

What is faith?

The Bible says in the book of Hebrews 11:1 that Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

According to one Christian writer, he says “Faith is the confidence that what we hope for will happen; it gives us assurance about things we cannot see.”

There is no Science nor Logic in the Matters of Divinity

I often tell people during some of these discussions on spirituality, there is no science nor logic in the matters of Divinity; Divinity is defined as the quality or state of being God.   There is NO logic or Science with God. Logic or Science do not operate in the Divine domain.

We do not have to see a piece of evidence to back an assertion to believe and trust an assertion. But we must just believe God and trust God to see our desired outcome. For as long as the desired outcome is well-intentioned and it is in alignment with the word of God, we must just believe and trust God.

The Unconscious Mind Impacts the other levels of Consciousness

The unconscious mind drives the conscious and the subconscious mind. In other words, our belief system in the unconscious mind has a significant impact on the thoughts (the conscious mind) and the feelings (the subconscious) we have.

The way I see it finally, is that the unconscious mind is where human programming takes place; programming based on past experiences, passive learnings from one’s childhood, etc. Another way to say this is mindsets that are acquired on auto-pilot. There was no conscious learning involved to acquire these mindsets. The mindset developed without any conscious effort of the human consciousness. These auto-learnings are very hard to address except for drawing on the Power of Faith.

The Unconscious mindset is Overcome by our Faith in God

The unconscious mind of those who believe in God is addressed through our belief in God the Creator, The Alfa, and The Omega. The Omnipotent God (All-Powerful), The Omniscient God (All-Knowing), and The Omnipresent God (Ever-Present).

We can make the unconscious conscious by how we pay attention to it because it is the individual who creates THEIR reality.


When we change our perceptions, (our conscious by accepting to manage the unconscious through prayers, and faith in God, reality also changes. We make better decisions that are based on the word of God rather than fear. We stop settling, and we learn to live again.

Armed with this knowledge we should All sleep peacefully knowing that HE is God and ‘Our God is able to do exceedingly, abundantly above all we ask or think’ -Ephesians 3:20.

Let us enjoy our peace and rest in God Almighty.

Let’s give God Praise! Let’s Honor God! Let’s Worship Our Lord Jesus Christ!

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  1. https://www.newscientist.com/article/2076606-neurologic-the-enthralling-story-of-the-unconscious-mind/?utm_source=rakuten&utm_medium=affiliate&utm_campaign=2116208:Skimlinks.com&utm_content=10&ranMID=47192&ranEAID=TnL5HPStwNw&ranSiteID
  2. https://www.diffen.com/difference/Subconscious_vs_Unconscious_mind#:~:text=The%20subconscious%20is%20that%20part,memory%2C%20affect%2C%20and%20motivation
  3. https://www.verywellmind.com › the-conscious-and-unco…
