God of Jubilee

          God of Jubilee


Then I heard the voice say ‘God of Jubilee; Hold on To Him’.

From reading Scriptures and listening to many Men and Women of God, I have heard God being called many different names. In one of my early posts on my blog, I had written on the topic ‘Names of God’. So, I had the opportunity through my research to discover many names of God at that time. At my last count, I have recorded 178 names of God in my journal.

I am certain that I have not discovered All the Names of Our God Almighty and neither will I ever.  I am told, some other people have recorded up to two thousand Names of God.  

Do we have enough Names for God Almighty?

More importantly, I do not think there are enough Names within Man’s universe and intellect to ascribe names in finality to our Great God, the Creator of this Universe; All that is within the universe, above it, and underneath it.  The name of God in my opinion evolves, depending on the circumstances and the personalities involved. What aspect of God do you see that informs what you call HIM?

In my opinion, what you see instructs the name you call HIM.

Therefore, in this instance, I understand why the voice calls HIM, God of Jubilee.

So, what does Jubilee mean?

According to one writer, ‘The Year of Jubilee which was instituted in the Old Testament was a year that was to be observed every 50th year, during which Hebrew slaves were to be liberated, and alienated properties were to be restored.

Also, another author, named Hope Bolinger, describes the Year of Jubilee as ‘The Year which came every 50th year, was a year full of releasing of people from their debts, releasing all slaves, and returning properties to those who owned them (Leviticus 25:1-13.’)


The Year of Jubilee is a year of celebration. Why? Because God says so. The year of jubilee sounds like one big party and indeed, for me, it is a year of ‘A Big Party’. A year God instructed Rest for All and Freedom for All slaves.

God gave the Israelites the instruction of Jubilee in the Scriptures: Leviticus 25: 9 which says that the Israelites are to sound the horn throughout the land to proclaim liberty. Some translations say, “proclaim freedom.” Some, like the new English translation, say “proclaim release.”

First, before I delve deeper into the meaning of Jubilee in this context, I would like to assume that everyone who reads my post knows the meaning of GOD.

God Instituted the Year of Jubilee.

According to the law and the Year of Jubilee, God gives the great reset to all Israelites who sell themselves into servanthood, that they could be set free and enter Rest and start all over again; to start afresh, away from the burden, pain, and struggles of the past 49 years. Then the 50th year ushers in Rest and Freedom as instructed by God Almighty.

One speaker I listened to in an interview said, ‘God wanted to make sure everything is reset after 50 years for the benefit of everyone that God gave an inheritance to’.  Think about it, this is a very beautiful picture of God’s infinite mercy and compassion for the Human Being that He created in His image and likeness. God Always gives HIS children an opportunity to make right their ways; to come under HIS Light and Love.

Opportunity For a Reset

Therefore, simply put, in the Old Testament, God gave HIS children the opportunity to reset their life’s journey every 50 years. From my understanding of the Jubilee cycle, few humans make two circles of 50 years each (meaning 100 years) in a lifetime, and exceptionally, fewer make the middle of the third cycle (25 years additional).

My take, therefore, is that after the first fifty years of one’s lifetime, there are enough lessons learned in one’s life journey to enable us to return to the right path for the next 50 years if we did not do it right in line with God’s laws, rules and regulations in the first cycle: by right I mean choosing a path of God’s knowledge, Wisdom, and Understanding. In other words, knowing God as true children of God and in faith, consistently pursuing God’s Righteousness and God’s Kingdom.

Destination After Life Cycles on Earth

As believers, we All know there is a destination after these life cycles on earth, the destination of Heaven or Hell.  Are we looking forward to being welcomed into the bosom of God in Heaven and enjoy eternal bliss or are we looking forward to being welcomed into Hell Fire by the devil and enjoy eternal damnation in Fire? This is the BIG question? The answer to this question is a choice we All must make individually. This requires a judgment call by All.

At this point, I think it prudent to add here that there are no guarantees of the completion of any of the cycles before a life’s journey ends on earth. Therefore, we must All be ready (in a state of Holiness and Righteousness) for the final call at any moment. For no one knows the appointed time when the curtain of life will be drawn.

The Year of Jubilee is ‘Real-Time’ in the New Testament

However, it is rewarding and consoling to know that The Year of Jubilee instituted in the Old Testament by God has been made accessible on a ‘real-time’ basis by God in the New Testament. God’s children now have access to Rest and Freedom anytime ( no cycle required). Jesus Christ, God’s only begotten Son, paid the price for instant Jubilee by dying on the Cross. (Colossians 2:13-14),  HE died for our sins so we ALL can be saved.  Freedom and Rest can now be attained anytime an individual accepts Christ as His or Her Lord and Personal Savior; confesses All sins and commits to walk in Faith to attain and enjoy the Salvation of Our Lord Jesus Christ.

The Sacrificial Lamb of Jubilee

 God sent Our Lord Jesus Christ to the world as the sacrificial Lamb of Jubilee so that All who believe in HIM as the Son of God and One with God, can be set free and be saved.  Therefore, Jesus Christ through HIS death redeemed us and set us free from the slavery of Satan (the Father of Lies and All Sins). The moment we become believers in the Lord Jesus, it doesn’t matter our socioeconomic status, our race, or our nationality; through Christ, we receive not only a reset, but also receive eternal life.

The debt that we owe God because of our sins, can never be repaid. We were slaves to sin and then God set us free by sacrificing HIS only begotten Son Jesus Christ. (Romans 8:2Galatians 3:22; 5:11). Our Lord Jesus released us from the bondage of sin, and He gave us liberty. He gave us freedom. He released us from sin, even though we don’t deserve it. Every day for the believer in Christ is a day of Jubilee. Jesus Christ sets the captives free. So, we must hold on to the One who gives us Jubilee (God through Jesus Christ).

No Longer in bondage; No Longer slaves to sin; Set Free

The people of God are no longer in bondage, no longer slaves to sin, having been freed by Christ, so Christians can enter the Rest and Freedom the Lord provides.

Now we can cease laboring to make ourselves acceptable to God by our works because Christ has pardoned and forgiven the people of God (Hebrews 4:9-19).  For salvation is fully a work of God.

Grace in The Blood of Jesus

However, we must not persist in sin because of the Grace in the Blood of Jesus. The Apostle Paul draws our attention to this fact when he says in the book of Romans 6:1-2, ‘So, shall we then continue in sin that grace may abound? Paul replies with a resounding “God forbid” (Romans 6:2)’. To desire to continue in sin shows a misunderstanding of this abundant grace and a contempt for Jesus’ sacrifice.

Conclusion: Believe in Our Lord Jesus Christ and Be Saved

Finally, I humbly ask ‘If we are not saved, then maybe we should ask what some had asked Jesus “What must we do, to do the works of God?”  Jesus answered them, “This is the work of God, that you believe in him whom he has sent” (John 6:28-29).

Let’s Hold on to Our God; The God who gives us Jubilee.

Let’s Give Him Praise, Let’s Adore Him, Let’s Glorify and Honor Him, for He is worthy of our Praises. Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah.

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