Yahweh Is the Lottery

Yahweh Is the Lottery


Then I heard the voice say, ‘Yahweh Is the Lottery’. I was stunned by this message. I reflected and wondered what this can mean. So, I went to do my search on google and what drew my attention first on my google search was a title of a link that read ‘The Lottery of Birth- All The Things You Don’t Control in Life. See link:  https://www.sloww.co/lottery-of-birth/

The link had an enlightening write-up as well as a couple of Ted Talk videos and one of which was a video by Warren Buffet- one of the world’s most prosperous.

The write-up begins by saying the TED Talk: Creating Freedom: The Lottery of Birth by a young man named Raoul Martinez should be viewed by all of Humanity.

I fully subscribe to the above recommendation because this was the message the Spirit of The Living God gave to me when he said, ‘Yahweh Is the Lottery’.

Raoul’s message as well as the other TED Talk speakers on the link above summarize their conclusions about the human journey on earth as follows:

  • We do not choose to exist
  • We are not responsible for our own natures
  • We are in a world that we played no part in creating
  • We do not choose what environment we grow up in
  • We do not choose our identity; we inherit it

We Don’t Control Anything

The article then further says ‘we don’t control’ anything. We are in complete dependence on forces-genetic and the environment. ‘These forces shape us into many things; the people we become, the lives that we lead, and the beliefs and values that we learn to hold. These are owed much to the lottery of our birth’.

I found this whole concept liberating for the following reasons:

  1. The spirit of God revealed the message of the ‘Life Lottery’ to me by revelation knowledge (All Thanks To My Heavenly Father for the privilege and access to deep mysteries of life)
  2. The write-up states at the beginning that ‘The lottery of birth (also known as the lottery of life, birth lottery and/or life lottery) is something we seem to forget over and over again.
  3. You cannot be too hard on others and on yourself when we fail as humans – it is beyond You

Life’s Successes and Failures of An individual are largely beyond Him or Her

The writer goes on to say that with the understanding that humans lack control of their lives-successes and failures, humans should therefore not be too quick to ascribe all credit to themselves, nor should humans be too quick to ascribe all blame to themselves. There is a force (as was revealed to me through revelation knowledge ) Yahweh -one of the names of God in the Hebrew Language. Yahweh is the one that gives everyone the lottery ticket for life’s journey at the individual’s entry into the physical world. This is my understanding of the prophetic revelation knowledge I received.

Be Compassionate To Others and To Yourself

In addition, with the understanding that we control nothing as humans, we should learn to be more compassionate towards other people when they fall short of our expectations and at the same time be more compassionate towards ourselves when we fall short of expectations of ourselves and expectations of us by others.

I give God thanks that he led me into such a liberating knowledge. I encourage the reader to seek more knowledge on how we can engage God on the alteration of the ticket.

Yahweh Has The Power To Alter the Lottery Ticket

We have seen in many instances in the bible how life’s lottery tickets were altered when we engage Yahweh with a repentant heart and a deep sense of humility. A case in point is the King Hezekiah in the bible who sought the face of the Lord when the prophet Isaiah told the King that his days on earth were fast running out. In the book of Isaiah chapter 38, Verses 1:5, the bible says ‘Hezekiah turned his face toward the wall, and prayed unto the Lord and said, Remember now, O Lord, I beseech thee, how I have walked before thee in truth and with a perfect heart, and have done that which is good in thy sight’ 2 Kings 20: 1.11

Yahweh Answers Prayers And Extends Hezekiah’s life

And the scriptures say God said to the prophet ‘Go back and tell Hezekiah, the leader of my people, ‘This is what the Lord says: I have heard your prayer and seen your tears; I will heal you. On the third day from now, you will go up to the temple of the Lord. Yahweh , in his infinite mercy, added an additional fifteen years to the King’s life and healed the King instantly.

I invite you to take a seat and enjoy this knowledge for those who will be finding the knowledge of ‘The Lottery of Life’ new to their understanding of the human journey on earth.

Let’s give God Praise! Give Him Honor! Yahweh Is Worthy of Our Praise!