One of My Narrow Escapes

One of My Narrow Escapes



Experience with one of the Departmental Heads during my exploratory visit to my first assignment as the Managing Director of a commercial bank in one of the African countries. I was meeting the Heads of Departments (HODs) for the first time. The HODs told me that a particular department Head (I will call John) was not available. So, I met with the other HODs available, and we did the ‘Meet and Greet’ thing. It felt good—vibrant and promising young men and women.

 I was excited knowing that I had a vibrant team to support me in the new assignment that was launching me into the C-Suite as a Managing Director of a Commercial Bank in a country outside my country of Origin. I had prayed to God to grant me the opportunity to manage a bank as the Managing Director of a bank from the first day I joined the industry as a customer service assistant. This dream materialized after 20 years of hard work, support, and challenges from my colleagues and bosses, and more importantly God’s favor.

 God made my dream come to pass. Glory Be to His Holy Name!


As I visited some of the branches later that day, I was fortunate to run into John that was absent at the meeting with the other HODs. John was at this branch to address some issues reported by the branch. The Branch Manager introduced John to me. John was at that branch to fix some issues the branch had reported.  As I shook John’s hand, I had the chills that spelled ‘bad news for the business.

I did not know why I felt this way other than to say that the Holy Spirit of God, gave me the spirit of discernment at that moment, in time.

Do You Take A Quiet Moment to Reflect At The End Of A Work Day

When I left that branch and I was back at the hotel at the end of the day, I reflected on my day. The meeting with John still gave me the chills. All I did was make a quick short prayer to God. I said ‘God, if this guy is bad for the business, may I not meet him in the bank when I return to run the bank as the Managing Director in 3wks. Either he resigns from the bank himself or whatever is bad for the business be exposed. But if he is good for the business, I prayed to God to keep him in the bank and advance his career.

Indeed, God answered my prayers. His wrong deeds were exposed. As I prayed, he was excited before I returned to start my assignment as the substantive Managing Director of the bank.

Spirituality and the Workplace.

 God is always faithful, and he answers prayers when we call on him with integrity and sincerity. Surely as I know Night comes after Daytime, I also know that God answers prayers of integrity and sincerity. John was gone before I came back to the country to start the assignment.

When I commenced work as the substantive Managing Director of the Bank, the bank was already prosecuting John for fraud of a substantial amount.

 I was happy and grateful that I did not have to deal with the risk of having a fraudster running one of the departments as the HOD.

This experience I consider one of my narrow escapes in that assignment. I had many other narrow escapes from disaster in that country and other countries professionally and in my personal life. God simply showed me Mercy, Favor, and Guidance all through my life’s journey to date.

In my opinion, I believe success and success in a sustainable way that comes with peace can only come from God. I cannot imagine ANYONE who can achieve sustainable success without God at the core and center of the individual’s goals and dreams in life be they personal or professional.

Again, to God be the Glory.

contemporary open space office with desks
Photo by Max Vakhtbovych on

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