David and Goliath

David and Goliath


Then I heard the voice say, ‘Remember the Goliath Law’.

I said, wow, what does this mean. I know of the battle of David and Goliath in the bible; The book of 1 Samuel:17. But I had never heard of the Goliath law. So, I went searching again on google.

First, my google search told me Goliath is a Giant. This adjective comes from the Biblical figure Goliath, who despite his greater size and strength was defeated by the young David. So, while it’s fine to use goliath to simply mean “giant” or “strong person,” it’s even more fitting for something supposedly strong and unbeatable that’s vulnerable.

I also discovered in google that in modern usage, the phrase “David and Goliath” has taken on a secular meaning, denoting an underdog situation, a contest where a smaller, weaker opponent faces a much bigger, stronger adversary; if successful, the underdog may win unusually or surprisingly.

The Underdog Becomes Victorious

The situation of an underdog applies both in our professional lives and our personal lives. There may be situations when we find that we do not stand a chance in a contest. We are not as qualified as the ‘giants’ in all set criteria, but when we face the Giants in our situations as David did, we must remember that God Almighty is the ultimate Giant! And we face many giants on our path regularly as we journey on in life.

 But we must remember that All Power belongs to God. God gives strength to the weak and gives a voice to the voiceless, provides legs to the lame to walk, and opens the eyes of the blind to see and the deaf to hear. God, our Lord Jesus does all these and more to those who trust him.

Therefore, when we take on giants by calling on the name of Our God Almighty, victory is guaranteed!

The Story of Contrasts

My google search indicated that the biblical story of David and Goliath is a story of contrasts. Goliath was an experienced warrior; David was a shepherd. Goliath was huge; David was small. The giant wore armor; the boy refused to wear armor. The warrior carried a sword, a spear, and a shield; the shepherd carried a staff, a sling, and five smooth stones. Goliath scoffed at the God of Israel; David trusted the God of his fathers. When the dust of the battle settled, it was apparent to all that the superhuman strength of the giant Goliath was not an advantage over the almighty power of the God of Israel.

As we admire David’s heroic courage, we need to remember that it was the God of Israel who enabled him to overcome Goliath. This is the same God who is with us today. When we trust in Him, God enables us to overcome all giants on our path and those giants lurking around in the shadows and dark places.

Be Not Afraid, Neither Be Discouraged

Therefore, God’s message to me of ‘Remember The Goliath Law’ simply means be not afraid to confront the giants on your journey. Not only are they vulnerable, the battle is not ours but the Lords. In the book of 2 chronicles 32:17, the bible says ‘Be strong and courageous! Don’t be afraid or discouraged before the King of Assyria and before the large army that is with him; for the one with us is greater than the one with him.

I conclude by saying, that as you overcome the Assyrian king and his army (the enemies), the enemy begins to get fiercer and begins to field its so-called expert kingpins and its most deadly weapons. This is the time to lean in on the call to God! God only needs to send just one angel to annihilate the enemies, their generals, and their thousands of agents that I call foot soldiers in just one night effortlessly.

Our God

Our God Is A Mighty Warrior; Our God Is Our Shield and Buckler; Our God Is Reliable and Dependable. Our God Is the Most Powerful! Our God Is Awesome!

Our God Is the Lion of Judah That Roars!

We give him Glory; We give Him Honor! We Adore Him!

Our Lord Jesus Be Praised Today and Forevermore.

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